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Dr. Dr. h.c. Günter MÜLLER Professor and Head, Institute of Computer Science and Social Studies, University of Freiburg


1967 Graduation, Albert-Schweizer-Gymnasium, Leonberg
1972 Diploma, Business Economics, University of Mannheim
1976 Doctorate, Topic: Information Structuring in Databases, University of Duisburg
1983 abilitation,Topic: Endusersystems, WU Vienna
1974 - 75 IBM Germany, Data base Adfminsitrator
1975 Research Assistant, Data bases University of DuisburgIT Administrator IBM Factory Sindelfingen
1977 - 79 Postdoc position at the IBM Research Laboratory, Almaden, San Jose.
1979 Professional at IBM Scientific Center, Heidelberg
1981 Unit leader Computer & Communication, IBM Gemany
1985 Director of IBM Europe and Founder of IBM European Networking Center, Heidelberg, Liason to IETEF (Internet)
1983 Habilitation and University Lectures WU Vienna.
1990 Full Professor Telematics University of Freiburg
 Since 1990 Director Institute of Computer Science and Society
1994 Consultant to NTT Japan on Internet Security, Tokyo
1997 - now Consultant at Hitachi, Security and Electronic Trading Systems, Tokyo, Japan
1992 - 1999 Advisory Board Daimler-Benz, Ladenburg-Berlin
2011 - 2015 Consultant at SAP Walldorf, Business Process Security


2003-2013 Permanent Member of Feldafinger Kreis, Consulting Ministry of Research and Developement in National and European Programs (initated by Siemens AG and DFKI Saarbrücken
2013 Chairman of BDI task group, Privacy Report to German Chancellor, Berlin, Germany
1993-1999 Daimler-Benz Security in Communication
1999-2006 Speaker of the DFG Priority Programme 1079 Network Security, (German Research Foundation)
2010-2016 Co-Initiator of the DFG Priority Programme 1496 Reliably Secure Software Systems, (German Research Foundation)
2013 Member of Core Group of Uni Freiburg Exzellenz Proposal, Resilience
2016 Member Core Group of Uni Freiburg Exzellenzinitiative, Civil Security


G. Müller, Paradigm Shift in Informatics? in Inforamtik Spektrum 2013
G. Müller: Was Internet th only Option? In: BISE, Vol 51, 2009.
G. Müller, K. Rannenberg: Multilateral Security in Communications  Technology, Infrastructure, Economy. Addison-Wesley-Longman, München 1999.
G. Müller, R. Accorsi, S. Höhn, S. Sackmann: Secure Usage Control in Financial Markets, i In: Informatik Spektrum. Vol 33, Heft 1/2010, S. 3 14.


1982 IBM Outstanding Technical Achievement Award Enduser Systems
1986 IBM Outstanding Technical Achievement Award Networks
1987 IBM Exeptional Achievement Award for Outline of IBM Position to Internet
2010 Appointed Senior ACM Fellow
2010 Appointed IEEE CEC Fellow
2010 Bestowal of Ehrenkreuz for contributions of Science and Art by Bundespräsident Austria
2011 Bestowal of University Medal of Merit by WU Wien
2011 Bestowal of Honoray Doctor rer. nat, by TU Darmstadt
2013 Bestowal of Friendship Medal by University of Zagreb for Curriculum Design in Business Informatics, Croatia
2015 Appointed IEEE BIS Fellow, Posen, Poland