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Dr. Dr.h.c. Guido SCHMUCK Director at Joint Research Centre of the European Commission


1963-1964 American Field Service Scholarship to USA, Study at Senior High School in Chisholm, Minnesota, US High School Diploma
1970 Diplom-Ingenieur for Chemistry, Vienna University of Technology
1970-1977 Scientific assistant Vienna University of Technology
1971 Doctorate of Technical Sciences, Vienna University of Technology
1975 Venia Legendi for analytical Chemistry
1977-1990 Associate Professor Vienna University of Technology
1977 Visiting Professor to Max-Planck-Institute for Metals Research, Stuttgart
1978 Offer of Chair of Analytical chemistry at the Free University Berlin
1980-1997 Director of Institute for analytical Chemistry, Vienna University of Technology
1989 Guest Professor at the University of Amsterdam within the International School of Chemical Sciences
since 1990 Professor (Chair) for Analytical Chemistry at Vienna University of Technology, since 1977 on leave for service in the European Comission
1993-1997 Scientific Supervisor of the Centre for Analytical Chemistry at the Austrian Research Centre for Agro-Biotechnology at Tulln
1997-2002 Director of the Institute for Reference Materials and Measuremendts (IRMM), Joint Research Centre of the European Comission, Geel, Beelgium
since 2002 Director of the Institute for Environment and Sustainability (IES), Joint Research Centre of the European Comission, Ispra, Italy


337 scientific publications
2 books and 14 proceeding volumes