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Guy STANDING Founding Member and Honorary Co-President, BIEN - Basic Income Earth Network; Professor of Development Studies, SOAS - School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London


1975-1985 Economist and Senior Economist, Employment and Development Department, ILO - International Labour Organization, Geneva
1985-1992 Coordinator of Labour Market Research, ILO - International Labour Organization, Geneva
1992-1994 Director, ILO Central and Eastern European Team, ILO - International Labour Organization, Budapest
1994-1996 Director of Labour Market Policies, ILO - International Labour Organization, Geneva
1996-1998 Director, Special ILO Project on Labour Flexibility, ILO - International Labour Organization, Geneva
1998-1999 Member, "Transition Team", ILO Director-General elect, ILO - International Labour Organization, Geneva
1999-2006 Director, Socio-Economic Security Programme, ILO - International Labour Organization, Geneva
2006-2009 Professor, Labour Economics, Monash University, Melbourne
2006-2013 Professor, Economic Security, University of Bath


Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences, UK
Member, Editorial Boards of the European Journal of Industrial Relations, Development and Change and the Indian Journal of Labour Economics


Basic Income: A Transformative Policy for India, Bloomsbury, 2015
A Precariat Charter: From Denizens to Citizens, Bloomsbury, 2014
The Precariat: The New Dangerous Class, Bloomsbury, 2011
Work after Globalization: Building Occupational Citizenship, Elgar, 2009


Honorary Doctorate, European College of Economics and Management, Bulgaria