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Dr. Hanns R. GLATZ Representative for EU Affairs, CNC - Communications & Network Consulting AG, Brussels


 Studied law, politics and economics, University of Vienna
 Doctor of laws, University of Vienna
 MA European Studies, College of Europe in Bruges
1968 Private Office, Austrian Minister of Agriculture, Vienna
1970 Ford Europe, Governmental Affairs Office, Brussels
1979 Secretary General of the CLCA, the EU federation of national motor vehicle manufacturers associations, Brussels
1989-2009 Head, Corporate Representative Office for European Affairs, Daimler-Benz (now Daimler AG), Brussels
since 2010 Head of Brussels Office, CNC - Communications & Network Consulting AG, International


Wirtschaftsrat Brüssel, Honorary Chairman of the Board
EIN Working Group "Globalization and international trade", Rapporteur
EPC - European Policy Centre, Member of the Advisory Council