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Univ.-Prof. Dr. Hans VON STORCH Direktor, Institut für Küstenforschung, GKSS- Forschungszentrum Geesthacht GmbH; Professor, KlimaCampus, Meteorologisches Institut, Universität Hamburg


1973 Bachelor of Science, Physics, University of Hamburg
1976 Master of Science, Mathematics, University of Hamburg
1976-1979 PhD Student, Meteorological Institute, University of Hamburg
1979 Dr. rer. nat. (Ph.D.), Meteorology, University of Hamburg
1980-1985 Research Associate, Meteorological Institute, University of Hamburg
1986-1995 Group leader "Statistical Analysis and Modelling", Max Planck Institute for Meteorology
since 1996 Professor of Meteorology, University of Hamburg
Director, Institute for Coastal Research (formerly: Institute of Hydrophysics)


Member, advisory boards of the "Meteorologische Zeitschrift" and the "Journal for Climate"
Member, steering committees of the Exzellenzzentrum KlimaCampus, Hamburg
Member, International Meetings on Statistical Climatology
Member, BALTEX-Programme


Hans von Storch has published thirteen books, and numerous articles.
von Storch, H.; and F.W. Zwiers: Statistical Analysis in Climate Research, Cambridge University Press, 494 pp., 1999
Müller, P.; von Storch, H.: Computer Modelling in Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences - Building Knowledge. Springer Verlag Berlin - Heidelberg - New York, 304pp, 2004
The BACC author team: Assessment of Climate Change in the Baltic Sea Basin., Springer Verlag Berlin - Heidelberg, 473 pp, 2008
Weisse, R., von Storch, H.: Marine Climate & Climate Change. Storms, Wind Waves and Storm Surges. Praxis Publishing Ltd, in press, 2009


Stefan Hepites Award of the Romanian Academy of Sciences, 2006
Recognition by IPCC for Contribution to IPCC s Nobel Peace Price, 2007
Günther-von-Sengbusch-Award for best paper, 2008
Hedersdoktor (Doctor honoris causa) by Faculty of Sciences, Göteborg University, 2008