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Hans-Wolfgang MICKLITZ Professor of Economic Law, European University Institute, Firenze


since 1994 Professor, University of Bamberg
since 2007 Professor, European University Institute, Florence
 Visiting Professor, Somerville College Oxford, Ann Arbor Michigan and University of Finland


Sachverständigenrat, Ministerium für Justiz und Verbraucherschutz, Verbraucherkommission Bayern
Wissenschaftlicher Beirat, Max-Planck-Institut für Innovation und Wettbewerb


On the Intellectual History of Freedom of Contract and Regulation, 2015
The Many Concepts of Social Justice in European Private Law, 2011
Social Justice in European Private Law, Yearbook of European Law 1999/2000


Jean Monnet Professor für Wirtschaftsrecht ad personam
ERC Grant, European Regulatory Private Law, 2011-2016
Finish Distinguished Professor, Academy of Finland, 2015-2020