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Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Harald FREY Participant, Re:Think | Housing.Construction.Policy; Project Assistant, Institute for Transport Sciences, Vienna University of Technology, Vienna


 Since 2006 Project Assistant, Institute of Transportation, Research Center of Transport Planning and Traffic Engineering, Vienna University of Technology
 Since 2011 Leader, research group "e-mobility", ÖVG - Österreichische Verkehrswissenschaftliche Gesellschaft
 Since 2010 Representative leader, research group "Verkehrsträger", ÖVG - Österreichische Verkehrswissenschaftliche Gesellschaft
 Since 2008 General secretary, Club of Vienna - Advancement of interdisciplinary research for Vienna
 Project management in research funding and contract research
 Advice and expert s opinions
 Transport Planning and transport policy advice to communities and politicians
 Member of expert committees


ÖVG - Österreichische Verkehrswissenschaftliche Gesellschaft
Initiative Weltethos
VCÖ - Verkehrsclub Österreich


Frey, H., "Krebsgeschwür Konzern", Frankfurt am Main, 2011
Frey, H., Risser, R., Chaloupka-Risser, C., "Wie steht es wirklich um die Verkehrssicherheit? Eine Reflexion über die Aussagekraft von Verkehrsunfallstatistiken", Sachverständige, 35. Jg., 2; S. 79-85, 2011
Frey, H., Leth, U., Mayerthaler, A, Brezina, T., "Predicted congestions never occur. On the gap between transport modeling and human behaviour", Vortrag: Transport Problems '2010, Krakau, 08.06.2010 - 10.06.2010; in: "Conference Proceedings", Paper-Nr. 18, 2010
Frey, H., Leth, U., Macoun T., "Indicators of the Transport System for the Measurement of Corridor Capabilities", Vortrag: 2nd International Conference ICLEEE 2010 (International Conference of Logistics, Economics and Environmental Engineering), Highlight 2010: Sustainable Development in Logistics, Maribor/SLO; 19.11.2010; in: "Proceedings", S. 1-6, 2010