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Mag. Harald HARTUNG European Commission, Directorate General for Education and Culture (DG EAC)


1980-85 studied History at the University of Vienna
1985-87 Post graduate studies at the Institute of international Relations (University of Vienna, Law faculty)
1986-88 Federation of Austrian Industrialists (VÖI) department for trade and int. monetary policy
1988-91 Head of the Brussels office of the Federation of Austrian Industrialists, Austrian Delegate to the European Industrial Confederation UNICE
1992-96 EFTA Secretariat, Policy co-ordinator for EU-EFTA negotiations on the free movement of goods in the EEA
1996-99 Counsellor for Industrial Affairs at the Permanent Representation of Austria to the EU and head of Delegation of the Federation of Austrian Industry (VÖI) at the Permanent Representation
1999 European Commission (DG X), Head of Unit responsible for new technologies in the audiovisual sector
since 1999 Head of Unit of the Centre for the Citizen (Visits, Traineeships, Partnerships with Civil Society)
 until 2000 European public opinion polls ("Eurobarometer")


1989-99 Monthly regular contribution to "Gewinn" ("Our man in Brussels")