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Dr. med. Dr. h.c. mult. Harald ZUR HAUSEN Nobelpreisträger für Physiologie oder Medizin; Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum in der Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft, Heidelberg


1942-1946 Elementary School for 2 1/2 years (interrupted due to World War II) , Gelsenkirchen
1946-1950 Gymnasium (High School), Gelsenkirchen-Buer
1950-1955 Gymnasium, Vechta
1955-1960 Medical student at the Universities of Bonn (1955-1957), Hamburg (1957-1958), and Düsseldorf (1958-1960)
1960 Graduation in Medicine and M.D. University of Düsseldorf
1960-1962 Internships in Wimbern, Isny, Gelsenkirchen and Düsseldorf
1962 Approbation
1962-1965 Research Fellow, Institut für Hygiene und Mikrobiologie, University of Düsseldorf (Head : Prof. W. Kikuth)
1966-1969 Research Fellow, Division of Virology, the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia (Head : Prof. W. Henle)
1968 Appointment as Assistant Professor at the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia
1969-1972 Senior Scientist, Institut für Virologie, University of Würzburg, Germany
1969 Privat-Dozent für Virologie, University of Würzburg
1972-1977 Chairman and Professor, Institut für Klinische Virologie, University of Erlangen-Nürnberg
1977-1983 Chairman and Professor, Institut für Virologie, Zentrum für Hygiene, University of Freiburg
1983-2003 Chairman of the Management Board and Scientific Director of the Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum (German Cancer Research Center), Heidelberg
since 2003 Professor emeritus


LEOPOLDINA, Polish Academy of Sciences,
Institute of Medicine of the National Academy of Sciences (USA),
National Academy of Sciences, USA (NAS)
Vorsitzender des Scientific Council of the National Science Tansfer and Development Agency in Bangkok, Thailand


Dürst M., Gissmann L., Ikenberg H., and zur Hausen H.: A papillomavirus DNA from a cervical carcinoma and its prevalence in cancer biopsy samples from different geographic regions. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. U.S. 80, 3812-3815, 1983
zur Hausen, H. and de Villiers, E.-M. A virus target cell conditioning model to explain some epidemiological characteristics in childhood leukemias and lymphomas. Int J. Cancer, 115: 1-5, 2005
The search for infectious agents of human cancers: where and why. Nobel lecture .Virology, 392 : 1-10, 2009
Red meat consumption and cancer: Reasons to suspect involvement of bovine infectious factors in colorectal cancer. Int. J. Cancer 2012; 130: 2475-2483. doi: 10.1002/ijc, e-pub. Jan. 31, 2011


Charles S. Mott Preis der General Motors Cancer Foundation, New York
Prince Mahidol-Award, Bangkok
Tsungming Tu Award, Taiwan
Nobelpreis für Physiologie oder Medizin 2008, Stockholm