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Mag. Dr. h.c. Dkfm. Heinz BOYER Geschäftsführer, IMC Fachhochschule Krems GmbH


1975-2003 Establishment, setting up and leadership of the National School for Tourism in Krems (HLF Krems) and a training hotel
since 1979 Worked on the revitalisation of the Semmering Region, including the Hotel Panhans
1980 Establishment and setting up the Semmering School for Hotel Management
1985 Involved in the foundation of the International Institute for Tourism and Management (ITM) and General Manager to the first international educational institute
since 1987 Trading license as business consultant
1987-1993 Manager of Althof-Errichtungs- und Betriebs- GmbH, set up the tourism pilot project Althof-Retz
1988 Establishment and setting up the School of Hotel Management, Retz
1993 Establishment ITM in Prague under license to the Association of Hoteliers in the Czech Republic
since 1994 Establishment IMC University of Applied Sciences in Krems-CEO


Member of the Chamber of Commerce
Member of the Austrian Association of Hoteliers
Vice President EUHOFA International (International Association of Directors of Schools for Hotel Management and Tourism), Lausanne
Member AIEST (International Association of Tourism Research Experts), St. Gallen


Ring of Honour, City of Retz,
Golden Cross of Honour for Services to the Republic of Austria and for Services to the Province of Lower Austria.
Award of Honorary Doctorate by Christian University of Bangkok
Award of Honorary Professor by Qingdao University