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Dipl.-Ing. Dr. mont. Helmut ANTREKOWITSCH Professor of Nonferrous Metallurgy and Head, Institute of Nonferrous Metallurgy, University of Leoben


1982-1987 Metallurgical Engineering, HTL - Higher Technical Education Institute, Leoben
1987-1989 Military Service
1988-1989 Process engineer, Alusuisse, Salzburger Aluminium GmbH, Lend
1989-1994 Master's Degree Programme, Metallurgy, University of Leoben
1994 Graduation M.Sc. / Dipl.-Ing.
1995-1999 Research Assistant, Institute of Nonferrous Metallurgy, University of Leoben
1998 Dissertation (Dr. mont.), University of Leoben
1998-2002 Research Assistant and Self-Employed in the fields of nonferrous metallurgy and materials science
2002-2009 Head, Christian Doppler Laboratory for Secondary Metallurgy of Nonferrous Metals
2003 "venia docendi" (Priv.-Doz.), field: Nonferrous Metallurgy
since 2004 Head, Institute of Nonferrous Metallurgy, University of Leoben
since 2010 Professor, Nonferrous Metallurgy, University of Leoben


Stuhlpfarrer P., Luidold, S., Antrekowitsch, H.: Optimierung der pyrolytischen Vorbehandlung von Leiterplattenschrotten unter besonderer Betrachtung der Bromgewinnung. Recycling und Rohstoffe, Band 8, Recycling- und Rohstoffkonferenz, Berlin, Deutschland, 2015, pp. 325-344
Hofer S., T. Angerer, T., Antrekowitsch, H.: Werkstoffentwicklung bleifreier Messinglegierungen (Teil 1/3). Metall 69, No. 3, 2015, pp. 82-87
Antrekowitsch H., Pichler, C., Rumpold, R.: New development in metal recovery from secondary resources. 4th Slag Valorisation Symposium Zero Waste, Leuven, Belgien, 15.-17.04.2015
Benedek L., Schnideritsch, H., Antrekowitsch, H.: Recyclingkonzepte für Photovoltaikmodule. Recycling und Rohstoffe, Band 7, Recycling- und Rohstoffkonferenz, Berlin, Deutschland, 2014, pp. 231-250