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Dr. Helmut RAUCH Professor Emeritus, Institute of Atomic and Subatomic Physics, Vienna University of Technology, Vienna


1957-1962 Study of Technical Physics at the Technical University, Vienna
1962-1966 Doctoral thesis at the Technical University, Vienna
1962-1972 University assistant to Prof.Dr.G. Ortner at the Atominstitute of the Austrian Universites, Vienna
1972 Appointment as a full professor for "Experimental Nuclear Physics" at the Technical University, Vienna
1972-2005 Director of the Atominstitute of the Austrian Universities, Vienna (jointly with Prof.Dr.G. Eder)
1974-2010 Visiting Scientist at the Institute Laue-Langevin in Grenoble, France
1991-1994 President of the Austrian Science Foundation


Austrian Physical Society (since 1965, chairman 1995/96 and 2005/06)
German Physical Society (since 1970)
Austrian Academy of Sciences (full member since 1990)
Academia Europaea (since 1990)
German Academy of Naturalists "Leopoldina", Halle (since 1995)


Test of a Single Crystal Neutron Interferometer H. RAUCH, W. TREIMER, U. BONSE, Phys. Lett. 47A (1974) 369
Verification of Coherent Spinor Rotation of Fermions, H. RAUCH, A. ZEILINGER, G. BADUREK, A. WILFING, W. BAUSPIESS, U. BONSE, Phys. Lett. 54A (1975) 425
Quantum Physics with Neutrons: From Spinor Symmetry to Kochen-Specker Phenomena, H. RAUCH, Found. Phys. 42 (2011) 153-172
H. RAUCH, S.A. WERNER, "Neutron Interferometry", 1st Ed. Clarendon Press, Oxford 2000; 2nd Ed. Oxford Univ.Press 2015


Erwin Schrödinger-Award of the Austrian Academy of Sciences, 1977
Ernst Mach Honorary Medal of the Czech Academy of Sciences, 2000
Ludwig Wittgenstein Award of the Austrian Research Association, 2006
Austrian Decoration of Honour for Science and Arts, 2015