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Dipl.-Ing. Dr. techn. Hermann W. D. KATINGER Vorstand, Department für Biotechnologie, BOKU, Wien


1960-1966 University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences Vienna, Field of study: Biotechnology
1966 Biotechnology diploma
1967 Scientific assistant and doctoral fellow-student at the Institute of Applied Microbiology
1968 Scientific assistant and doctoral fellow-student at the Institute of Applied Microbiology
1971 Graduation: Dr. rerum naturarum technicarium
1977 Habilitation
1977-1981 Associate Professor for Applied Microbiology, Institute of Applied Microbiology
1982-1986 Dean of the Faculty of Food- and Biotechnology at the University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences Vienna
since 1981 Full o. Univ. Prof. and Chairman of the Institute of Applied Microbiology
since 1990 Founder and CEO of Polymun Scientific GmbH


Ca. 400


Ehrenmedaille ESACT
Wilhelm Exner Medaille