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Hubert KLUMPNER Professor of Architecture and Urban Design, Department of Architecture, ETH Zurich - Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich


1987-1993 Mag. Arch., Architecture, Universität für angewandte Kunst Wien
1990-1993 Design Architect, Atelier Hans Hollein, Barcelona
since 1998 Principal, Co-Director, Co-Founder with Alfredo Brillembourg, Urban Think Tank, Venezuela
2004-2005 MS.ARCH., Architecture and Urban Design, Columbia University - Graduate School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation, New York
since 2007 Adjunct Professor, Co-Director SLUM_Lab, Co-Editor SLUM_Lab Magazine, Columbia University, New York City
since 2010 Professor and Chair, Architecture and Urban Design, ETH Zurich
since 2013 Dean, Department of Architecture, ETH Zurich
since 2015 Senior-Dean, Department of Architecture, ETH Zurich
Curator, UABB Bi-City Shenzhen - Hong Kong Biennale for Urbanism and Architecture, Hong Kong


Institute of Urban Design, Network City Landscape NSL
ETH Sustainability Steering Committee
Institute of Science Technology and Policy / ISTP
Swiss University Hub for informal housing / UN-Habitat


Brillembourg, Alfredo and Klumpner, Hubert. Torre David, Informal Vertical Communities. Zurich: Lars Mueller, 2012
Brillembourg, Alfredo and Klumpner, Hubert (eds). Asian Mode. Zurich: SLUM Lab, 20123. Brillembourg, Alfredo and Klumpner, Hubert (eds). Last Round Ecology. Zurich: SLUM Lab 2011
Brillembourg, Alfredo and Klumpner, Hubert (eds). Informal Tool Box Paraisopolis Sao Paulo: Prefietura da Cidade de Sao Paulo. Sao Paulo, 2008


The International Architecture Award of the Chicago Athenaeum / Museum of Architecture and Design and The European Centre for Architecture Art Design and Urban Studies, for the Fabrica de Cultura, EDA Barranquilla, Colombia 2016
UABB Award of the Biennale for Urbanism and Architecture, Hong-Kong / Shenzhen. 2015-2016
ZUMTOBEL Group Award - innovations for sustainability and humanity in the built environment . 2nd prize in the Buildings Category Dornbirn / London, 2014