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Dr. Ian DAVIS Architect; Senior Professor for Disaster Risk Management for Sustainable Development, Lund University


1970-1989 Principle Lecturer in School of Architecture Oxford Polytechnic
1992-1998 Exec. Director Oxford Centre for Disaster Studies (OCDS)
1998-2002 Professor in Disaster and Development Management. Cranfield Disaster Management Centre Cranfield University (CDMC)
since 2002 Independent Consultant
Visiting Professor in Disaster Management in Coventry, Cranfield, Lund, Oxford Brookes, and Kyoto Universities


Honorary Fellow Institute of Civil Protection and Emergency Management (FICPEM)


Shelter after Disaster, Oxford: Oxford Polytechnic Press, 1978
At Risk, People's Vulnerability to Natural Disasters, (second edition 2004) Co-Authored, London: Routledge, 1994
Managing the Risks of Extreme Events and Disasters to advance Climate Change Adaptation (SREX) Multiple International Authorship, Lead author Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), 2012
What is the Vision for Sheltering and Housing in Haiti, Summary and main Reports Port-au-Prince Haiti: UN HABITAT, 2012


Chairman Emeritus Global Forum for Disaster Reduction (GFDR), Delhi, India
United Nations/ Sasakawa Award for Disaster Prevention 1996