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Dr. Irene KLOIMÜLLER Medizinerin, Psychotherapeutin, selbständige Unternehmensberaterin, Wien


from 1982 Study of Medicine at the University of Vienna
1986-1989 Scientific employee at the Medical University of Vienna
1993 M.D.
1986-1995 Free-lancer at the Austrian Institute of Ecology
1992 Co-founder of the anti-racistic movement and association "Der Mensch zuerst - Spitalspersonal gegen Ausländerfeindlichkeit"
1991-1994 Free-lancer for studies and congress organization in the field of health promotion and anti-racist concepts for the Austrian Federal Ministry of Health, the Wiener Krankenanstaltenverbund (Viennese Hospital association), the ðWHO project "Healthy Cities" and the Wiener Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Volksgesundheit
1995-1999 Co-founder and junior partner of the Institut für Betriebliche
 Gesundheitsförderung (IBG- Institute of Occupational Health Promotion)
1997-2004 Training as Psychotherapist for Logotherapy and Existential Analysis at the Gesellschaft für Logotherapie und Existenzanalyse (Society of Logotherapy and Existential Analysis)
2000-2004 Chief Executive of worklab of the Institute of Occupational Health Promotion (later Institute of Human Ecological Management = Institut für humanökologische Unternehmensführung)
2004-2007 Senior Consultant at the Institute of Human Ecological Management, in charge for age/generation management and harassment at work; quitting partnership, selling shares of the institute
since 2008 Manger of the Austrian National Programme "Fit für die Zukunft - Arbeitsfähigkeit erhalten" ("Fit for the Future - Maintaining Workability") of the Allgemeine Unfallversicherungsanstalt and the Pensionsversicherungsanstalt
 Strategic Consultant of the WKO (Economic Chamber) for age/generationen management
 Consultant for the Bundesministerium für Arbeit, Soziales und Konsumentenschutz (Federal Ministry for Work, Social Affairs and Consumer Protection) - Developing a certificate and assessment for the age-conform organisation


Viennese Women Health Advisory Board
Member of coaching team for university professors of the Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien (Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration)
Member of lecturer team at the Fachhochschule für Arbeitgestaltung und Personalmanagement des BFI (University of Applied Sciences bfi Vienna)
Member of lecturer team of the Medizinischen Universität Wien/Universitätslehrgang Master of Public Health (Medical University of Vienna- Public Health)
Member of tutor team at the Akademie für Arbeitsmedizin (Academy for Occupational Health)
Member of the lecturer team of Umwelt Management Austria- NÖ Landesakademie, MSc-Lehrgang Management & Umwelt
Member of the board of examiners at the Akademie für Sonder- und Fortbildungen AKH - Ausbildung basales und mittleres Pflegemanagement
Member of the Gesellschaft für Logotherapie und Existenzanalyse (Society of Logotherapy and Existential Analysis)


Author and co-author of numerous books, articles, expertises and research reports


Pharmig Preis für Soziales Engagement for "Der Mensch zuerst", 1997
Nestor Preis of the Federal Ministry for Work, Social Affairs and Consumer Protection for the IBG, 2007