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Dr. M.Sc. Iris EISENBERGER Professor and Head, Institute of Law, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna


 Iris Eisenberger is a Professor of Law and Head of the Institute of Law at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna (BOKU), since January 2016. Her research focus includes law and innovation, technology law, research and university law, human rights and legal theory. Theoreti-cal, methodological and didactical questions are key elements of her research and her teaching. She has wide experience in interdisciplinary research as well as in running and participating in nationally and internationally funded research projects. After obtaining her PhD in Law from the University of Graz, Austria, and a Master of Science in Political Theory from the London School of Economics and Political Science, UK, she received her Habilitation for Constitutional Law, Administrative Law and the related fields of European Union Law for her book on "Innovation in the Law" from the University of Vienna in 2014. She was a faculty member at the Department of Constitutional and Administrative Law, University of Vienna, and has work experience both in the Austrian and the European Parliament, as well as in the Department for Constitutional Law at the Federal Chancellery of Austria. She has held visiting positions at numerous renowned universities including the European University Institute in Florence, the University of Freiburg, the Program on Science, Technology and Society at Harvard University, the Mekelle University in Ethiopia, the Macau University and the Technical University Munich.


Österreichische Juristenkommission
Science and Democracy Network
Technoscience, Law and Society Network
ASCINA - American Scientists & Scholars in North America


Innovation im Recht (2016), Verlag Österreich
Cultures and Strategies in the Regulation of Nanotechnology in Germany, Austria, Switzerland and the European Union, Nanoethics 2014, (mit M. Kurath, M. Nentwich und T. Fleischer) 121-140
EU-Verhaltenskodex Nanotechnologie: Rechtsstaatliche und demokratische Aspekte, in: Gazsó/Haslinger (Hrsg), Nano Risiko Governance (2014) (bereits als ITA manu:script, ITA-12-03 erschienen) 165-182
Die Macht der Algorithmen. Der Verlust der Öffentlichkeit durch Personalisierung im Netz, juridikum 4/2011, 517 - 522
Technik der Grundrechte - Grundrechte der Technik, in: Holoubek et al (Hrsg), Die Zukunft der Verfassung - Die Verfassung der Zukunft, FS Korinek (2010), 115 - 129


2001 Britische Regierung: Chevening Scholarship für ein Studium an der London School of Economics
2008 Erwin Schrödinger Stipendium des FWF für das Projekt - Staatliche Steuerung Neuer Technologien am Beispiel der Nanotechnologie (J2806-G14)
2011 Wirtschaftskammerpreis 2011 für ein Projekt zu Rechtsfragen im Zusammenhang mit Internetaktivitäten im Web 2.0: Flashmobs, Smartmobs, Online-Demonstrationen und Online-Boykotte in Sozialen Netzwerken