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Jan PILCH Percussion, Krakow


 Jan Pilch graduated with distinction from the Cracow's Academy of Music - Prof. J.Stojko class of percussion. As soloist and chamber musician, he has participated frequently in the most important Polish festivals of modern music (Warszawska JesieN, PoznaNska Wiosna, Musica Polonica Nova - WrocLaw, Audio-Art - Kraków, Stuttgart) as well as in festivals in Dresden, Nurnberg (Musik des XX Jahrhunderts), Munich, Moscow, Kyoto, Sendai, Tokyo.
 He is a founder and member of the Krakowska Grupa Perkusyjna(Cracow's Percussion Group), the "Muzyka Centrum" Artistic Association and the Mr. Bober's Friends Group. He was a member of the Laboratorium Jazz Group and the international Crossover Trio, collaborated with the MW2 Group, Symphonic Orchestra of the Cracow's Philharmonic Society, the Orchestra Giovanile in Lanciano (Italy), Opera Factory in Zurich, Chamber Orchestra in Basel and the musical "Cats".
 He has numerous radio recordings and records of modern and jazz music as well as of the first performances of works of such composers as K. Moszumanska-Nazar, B. Schaeffer, H. Kulenty, R. Szeremeta. He has given classes during international courses of modern music in Stuttgart, Schwaz (Austria ), Kazimierz nad WisB, Radziejowice and others. In the years 1994-1996 he was a soloist of the Orquesta Filarmónica de Gran Canaria. He is Professor at the Academy of Music in Cracow. He is initiator and director of many international projects, among others International Festival of Percussive Music in Krakow.


"Polymnia Medal" for an interpretation of "Variants" composed by K. Moszumanska-Nazar, in the  Poznanska Wiosna Muzyczna Festival