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Dr. Jan VOGEL Director Strategy and Research Planning, Netherlands Organization for Applied Scientific Research (TNO), Delft


1971-1973 Navy officer development phased array antenna
1973-1981 University Rotterdam development of echo-acoustic diagnosis
1981-1988 Head of Echo-acoustics Department TNO
1988-1993 Head of electronic and IT division TNO
1993-2004 Director Physics and Electronics Laboratory TNO
2004-2008 Director Strategy and Research Planning TNO


Omslaggroep (Transition Management), Board Member
EUROTECH (Association of RTO's)
Board of Seadarq (Digital radar firm), President
Boardmember SIA (Innovation Alliance)


Maritime Terrorism - UDT Nice 2004
Innovation Paradox - Management Scope 2005
Arenas of knowledge - stakeholder involvement NPO 2007
The battle against marine polution Damac-Ancona 2008