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Ph.D. Johannes HOFF Professor of Systematic and Philosophical Theology, Heythrop College, University of London


1984-1985 Training College for Latin, Greek and Hebrew, Language College Ambrosianum, Ehingen/Donau
1985-1987 Study Courses, University of Tübingen
1987 1st degree in Theology, University of Tübingen
1987-1988 Study Courses, University of Bonn
1988 1st degree in Philosophy
1988-1992 Study Courses, University of Tübingen
1991 2nd degree in Theology (Dipl.Theol.)
1991-1992 Student Assistant, Centre for Ethics in the Sciences and Humanities of the University of Tübingen
1992 2nd degree in philosophy (MA)
1999 Doctor of Theology (Ph.D.)
1995-2000 Research Fellow (BAT IIa), Department of Fundamental Theology and Philosophy of Religion, Catholic Theology Faculty
2000-2006 Assistant (Junior Lecturer, C1), Department of Fundamental Theology and Philosophy of Religion, Catholic Theology Faculty
2006 Habilitation (Dr. habil.)
Adjunct Professor for Fundamental Theology and Philosophy of Religion, University of Tübingen
2007-2011 Senior Lecturer for Systematic Theology and Philosophy, University of Wales, Lampeter
2009-2011 Programme Director, MTh in Systematic and Philosophical Theology (distance learning)
2011-2013 Professor of Philosophical Theology, University of Wales Trinity St David, Carmarthen
2011-2012 Research Leave, Study Stay, Trier and Tübingen
2012-2013 Programme Coordinator, MTh in Christian Theology (distance learning)
since 2013 Professor of Systematic and Philosophical Theology, Heythrop College, University of London
since 2015 Canonical Mission to Teach, Bellarmine Institute Heythrop College, University of London


Associated Member, Professorial Board, Katholisch-Theologische Fakultät, Universität Tübingen, since 2006
Co-Editor, Editorial Board, Studia Traditionis Theologiae (Brepols Publishers), since 2008
Peer Reviewer, AHRC, since 2008
LSSR - London Society for the Study of Religion (Athenaeum), since 2014


The Analogical Turn. Re-thinking Modernity with Nicholas of Cusa, Series Interventions, Eerdmans Publishing Company, 2013
Bürger, Künstler, Exorzisten: Wissenschaft, Kunst und Kult in den Spuren Hugo Balls, in: Kultur & Gespenster 13, 2012, pp. 33-62
Life in Abundance. Schlingensief's Deconstruction of (Post-)Modernism. in: Gaensheimer, S. (Ed.), German Pavilion, 2011, 54th International Art Exhibition La Biennale Di Venezia, Venice: Sternberg Press, 2011, pp. 215-225
Das Subjekt entsicher: Zur spirituellen Dimension des Subjektproblems angesichts der Dekonstruktion des cartesianischen Wissenschaftsparadigmas, in: Schmidinger, H.; Zichy, M. (eds).: Tod des Subjekts? iPoststrukturalismus und christliches Denken, Salzburger theologische Studien 24, Innsbruck - Wien: Tyrolia, 2005, pp. 213-242


Study grant of the Cusanuswerk, 1988-1992
Dissertation grant of the Cusanuswork (Hochbegabtenförderung), 1992-1995
Hoff/in der Schmitten: Wann ist der Mensch tot? awarded as "Wissenschaftsbuch des Jahres" (Scientific book of the year), 1994