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Jürgen STORBECK Director of Europol


 University state degree in law
1977-93 Responsible in several positions in the Bundeskriminalamt, among others:
 Seconded as senior German representative to the ICPO-Interpol General Secretariat
 Head of the sub-Department "Drugs-Intelligence and undercover operations"
 Assistant Head of the Drugs Department
 Head of the National Central Bureau Interpol in Wiesbaden
 Head of the International Relations Division of the Bundeskriminalamt
 Head of Department "Organised Crime, Economic Crime and Violent Crime"
1992-93 Head of the Europol Project Team based in Strasbourg, France
 June 1994 appointed to the position of Co-ordinator of the Europol Drugs Unit in The Hague, The Netherlands
1998 appointed as acting Director of Europol
1999 appointed as Director of Europol
1990 Chairman of the United Nations HONLEA Working Group on "Heroin and the Balkan Route" in Moscow
Member of the Project Team of the Federal Ministry of Interior in Berlin responsible for the reorganisation of the C.I.D. on the territory of the former GDR
1991 Chairman of ICPO-Interpol Conference of European Heads of Drug Services