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Karl NICHOLSON Professor, Department of Infection, Immunity and Inflammation, Leicester Medical School, Leicester


 Study of medicine at Guy s Hospital Medical School, London
 He was an Eli-Lilley/MRC International Travelling Fellow at the US Centers for Disease Control
 WHO Consultant (working at the National Institute of Health, Pakistan)
 Trained in Infectious Diseases in the Medical Research Council, Clinical Research Centre, Northwick Park Hospital
 ad hoc Adviser/Consultant to WHO on Influenza, 2003 WHO Consultant in Vietnam
 UK Scientific Pandemic Influenza Advisory Committee (SPI) and huScientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (Pandemic influenza)
 Chief Investigator of a study in adults to evaluate H1N1 vaccines that will be used in the United Kingdom
 Honorary Consultant in Infectious Diseases in Leicester


Royal College of Physicians
Royal College of Pathologists
Faculty of Public Health Medicine of the Royal College of Physicians
Influenza Sub-Committee of the UK Departments of Health Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation
Chair of the Scientific Pandemic Influenza Clinical Countermeasures Committee
Academy of Medical Sciences/Royal Society Working Group on the role of science in influencing Government policy for pandemic influenza


Co-editor of the "Textbook of Influenza"
Author of "Managing Influenza in Primary Care"
He has published approximately 200 peer-reviewed papers, mostly on rabies and influenza.