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Dr. Karl SCHUMACHER Head of Unit, Bavarian State Ministry for the Economy, Infrastructure, Transport and Technology, Munich


1987-1992 Law Studies, Faculty of Law, Universität Regensburg
1992-1994 Junior Lawyer, Higher Regional Court, Nuremberg
1995-2000 State Consultant, Bavarian State Ministry for Economic Affairs, Transport and Technology, Munich
2000-2001 General Secretary, Business Incubator for New Media, Unterföhring
2001-2005 Minister´s Personal Advisor, Bavarian State Ministry for Economic Affairs, Infrastructure, Transport and Technology, Munich
2006-2009 Head of Unit "Research and Development", Bavarian State Ministry for Economic Affairs, Infrastructure, Transport and Technology, Munich
since 2009 Head of Unit "Spatial Law and Settlement Structure", Bavarian State Ministry for Economic Affairs, Infrastructure, Transport and Technology, Munich