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Mag. Katharina WARTA Senior Consultant and Authorized Representative, Technopolis Austria; Chairwoman, Austrian Platform for Research and Technology Policy Evaluation, Vienna


1995-1996 Robert Bosch Postgraduate Program in International Affairs
1994 Magister Economics, University of Vienna
1994-1995 Trainee, European Commission, DG 13, Brussels
1996 Assistant to the General Director, Trainee, RadioMobil, Czech Republic, Prague
1996-1999 Austrian Research Centers Seibersdorf, 2444 Seibersdorf, Conducting studies in the domain of research and ICT policy, Business or sector Research
1999-2005 Consultant, Senior Consultant, Technopolis Group France, 55 rue des petites écuries, 75010 PARIS, Conducting evaluation projects and strategic studies in the domain of R&D policy and ICT policy, project management Business or sector Research and Consultancy
since 2005 Senior consultant, Technopolis, Evaluation and strategic studies in the domain of R&D policy and governance of research organizations, group dynamics, project management, moderation
since 2012 Chairman, executive board of FtEval, Austrian Platform Research & Technology Policy Evaluation, Strategic orientation and lead of the Platform, Communication


Accompanying and moderation of the FNR Strategy development (Fonds National de la Recherche, Luxembourg, ongoing)
Evaluation of the Alexander von Humboldt Professorship-Programme (Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (AvH), ongoing, role: lead)
Radical innovations more freedom for innovative and risky research. (Federal Ministry of Science, Research and the Economy, BMWFW, ongoing)
Accompanying analysis of the citizen science pilot projects in the framework of the programme Sparkling Science (Federal Ministry of Science, Research and the Economy, BMWFW, ongoing
Warta, K. und S. Philipp, Was bringt die Plattform fteval und zu was hat sie es gebracht? Rückblick und Ergebnisse einer Mitgliederbefragung. In: fteval Journal for Research and Technology Policy Evaluation, issue 41, March 2016
Warta K., E. Sonuç: Sieben Hypothesen zu den besonderen Dimensionen des Lernraums Gruppe. Feedback 1&2/2014, ÖAGG, Wien, 2014
Warta K, Zajec K (Hg): Innovation! Was kann die Gruppe dafür? Visionen und Wege 8, Krammer Verlag, Wien 2013
FH-plus und COIN: Evaluierungsergebnisse der Strukturaufbau-Forschungsförderung in Österreich. Zeitschrift für Hochschulentwicklung ZFHE 7/2, März 2012