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Mag. Dr. Katja MAYER Visiting Professor, Department of Science and Technology Studies, University of Vienna


 Katja Mayer studied sociology, physics and philosophy at the University of Vienna. She works as sociologist in the field of science and technology studies, has wide experience in science communication and administration. She held a position as research associate of the president of the European Research Council (2011-2013). From 2009-2011 she worked at the Information Retrieval Facility, an open research platform for search engine science. Besides being a freelance IT consultant with a special focus on open source content management systems and databases, she was research assistant in a philosophical research project on performativity (2005-2007). Before that she was responsible for content development, research and production of lecture series and exhibitions at Public Netbase/Institute of New Cultural Technologies, Vienna (http://world-information.org/wio).
 Recently she was invited as Visiting Scholar at Carnegie Mellon University's School of Computer Science, Institute for Software Research. She has been teaching at the Department of Social Studies of Science and Technology, the Department of Sociology, both University of Vienna, at the Art University Linz, and at the Danube University Krems.
 Her research interests are manifold: open data, scientific visualization and imagination practices, the various enactments of social scientific knowledge, science communication, computer machine interfaces, information retrieval, new digital methodologies, social and semantic networks.


EASST - European Association for the Study of Science and Technology
INSNA - International Network for Social Network Analysis


K. Mayer, J. Simon (2013) Desired Becomings. in: Journal of Peer Production 3
K. Mayer (2012) Objectifying social structures: Network visualization as means of social optimization. in: Theory & Psychology 22 (2), 162-178
K. Mayer (2011) Scientific images? How touching! in: Science, Technology & Innovation Studies 7 (1), PP. 29-45
K. Mayer (2009) On the sociometry of search engines. a historical review of methods. in: Becker, Stalder (eds) Deep Search. The Politics of Search Beyond Google, 54-72