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BA MA Ki-moon BAN Former Secretary-General, United Nations; Chairman, Ban Ki-moon Centre for Global Citizens, Vienna


 Ban Ki-moon has had an extensive career as a senior representative, policy maker and diplomat of the Republic of Korea. Following a stint as ambassador to Austria, Ban returned to Seoul as vice-minister of foreign affairs In 2003 he became foreign policy adviser to the new president, Roh Moo Hyun. As minister of foreign affairs and trade from 2004 to 2006, Ban played a key role in the six-party talks aimed at denuclearizing North Korea. The Harvard University Alumni was elected as United Nations Secretary General in 2006 and held this position form 2007 to 2016. He currently holds more than a dozen prestigious Chairmanships inter alia at the Ban Ki-moon Centre for Global Citizens and at the Boao Forum for Asia.