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Konstantin NOVOSELOV Nobel Laureate in Physics; ERC Starting Grant 2007; Royal Society Research Fellow and Professor of Physics, School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Manchester


1997 MSc with cum laude from the Moscow Physical-Technical University
1997-1999 Researcher at the Institute for Microelectronics Technology, Chernogolovka
1999-2001 Researcher at the High Magntic Field Lab., University of Nijmegen
2001-2005 Researcher at the University of Manchester
2004 PhD at the High Magntic Field Laboratory, University of Nijmegen
2005-2006 Leverhulme Research Fellow at the University of Manchester
since 2007 Royal Society Research Fellow at the University of Manchester
since 2010 Professor of Physics, University of Manchester


Published over 150 peer-refereed research papers (mainly as the principal/corresponding author), including a dozen Nature and Science articles, more than a dozen papers in Nature Materials, Nature Physics, Nature Nanotechnology, and more than a dozen in Physical Review Lett. and Reviews of Modern Physics. Over 100 invited talks at conferences during the last 5 years.


The Kohn Prize, "for development of new class of materials: two-dimensional atomic crystals", 2012
W L Bragg Lecture Prize from International Union of Crystallography, "for his work on two-dimensional atomic crystals", 2011
Nobel Prize in Physics, "...for groundbreaking experiments regarding the two-dimensional material graphene", 2010
Europhysics Prize, "for discovering and isolating a single free-standing atomic layer of carbon (graphene) and elucidating its remarkable electronic properties, 2008
Technology Review-35 Young Innovator, "...Technology Review honour the young innovators whose inventions and research they find most exciting", 2008
International Union of Pure and Applied Science, Young Scientist Prize, "for his contribution in the discovery of graphene and for pioneering studies of its extraordinary properties", 2008
University of Manchester Researcher of the Year, 2008
Nicholas Kurti European Prize, "to recognise the novel work in the fields of Low Temperatures and High Magnetic Fields", 2007