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Dr. Lis WAGNER Professor and Head, Research Unit of Nursing, University of Southern Denmark, Odense


1996 Dr.PH (Doctor of Public Health), NHV (Nordic School of Health Sciences), Gothenburg, SV
2004-2006 Regional Advisor for Nursing and Midwifery, World Health Organization (WHO), European Region
since 2005 Professor and Research leader, Research Unit of Nursing, Institute of Clinical Research, Faculty of Health Sciences, SDU
since 2008 Leader of the Danish part of EU 7th RF Programme, Interlinks: Health systems and long-term care


AMBRA - Advisory group on outpatient control of established arthritis, King Christian X s Hospital, 2006
Steering committee of prevention and health promotion, H.C. Andersen Children s Hospital, OUH - Odense University Hospital and Childrens Cohort group, OUH, 2006
Chair of Bibliometric group on Nursing, Research and Innovation Board, Ministry of Science, Technology and Development, 2007
Member of Global Advisory Group, Nursing and Midwifery, WHO, Geneva, 2007
Member of Danish Association of Public Health, 2007
Member of Danish Association of Nursing Research, 2007
Member of Odense University Hospital Research Fund, 2007
Steering Committee of "The older medical patient". National Board of Health, 2010
Steering Committee of Alliance for Healthy Active Ageing (AHAA), 2010


Lisbeth K. Rosenbek Minet, Else.Marie Lønvig, Jan Erik Henriksen and Lis Wagner. The experience of Living with Diabetes Following a Self- Management Program Based on Motivational Interviewing. Qualitative Health Research 2011. (Online)
Primdahl, J., Wagner, L. & Hørslev-Petersen. Being an outpatient with rheumatoid arthritis - a focus group study on patients' self-efficacy and experiences from participation in a short course and one of three different outpatient settings. Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences 2011; 25; 394-403.
Bjerregaard, L. B. L., Gerke, O., Rubak, S. L. M., Høst, A. & Wagner L. Identifying parents with risky alcohol consumption habits in a pediatric unit - are screening and brief intervention appropriate methods? Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences. 2011; 25; 383-395
Marianne K. Thygesen, Birthe D Pedersen, Jacob Kragstrup, Lis Wagner and Ole Mogensen. Utilizing a New Graphical Elicitation Technique to Collect Emotional Narratives Describing Disease Trajectories The Qualitative Report Volume 16 2 March 2011 596-608.
Marianne K. Thygesen, Birthe D Pedersen, Jacob Kragstrup, Lis Wagner and Ole Mogensen.Differentiated use of help from a nurse navigator among patients with cancer: a qualitative study BMC Health Services Research (online)
L.K. Rosenbek Minet, L. Wagner, E.M, Lønvig, J. Hjelmborg, J.E. Henriksen. The effect of motivational interviewing on glycaemic control and perceived competence of diabetes self-management in patients with type 1 and type 2 diabetes mellitus after attending a group educational programme: a randomized controlled trail. Diabetologia (Online)
Lisbeth K. Rosenbek Minet, Else-Marie Lønvig, Jan Erik Henriksen and Lis Wagner. The Experience of Living With Diabetes Following a Self-Management Program Based on Motivational Interviewing. Qualitative Health Research. 2011(Online)
Lars Thrysoe, Lise Hounsgaard, Nina Bonderup Dohn, Lis Wagner. Participating in a community of practice as a prerequisite for becoming a nurse -Trajectories as final year nursing students. Nursing Education in Practice. 2010, Volume 10, Issue 6, pp. 361-366.