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Mag. Dr. Ludwig HUBER Professor and Head, Department of Cognitive Biology, Faculty of Life Sciences, University of Vienna


1991 Ph.D. (Dr. rer. nat.), Zoology, University of Vienna, supervisor: R. Riedl
1991-2000 University assistant at the Institute of Zoology, University of Vienna
1995-2003 Head of the Department of Theoretical Biology at the Institute of Zoology
2000 Habilitation, Zoology, University of Vienna
Associate Professor for Zoology at the University of Vienna
since 2005 Guest professor at the Dept of Anthropology, Charles University, Prague
2005-2010 Head of the Emerging Focus "Biology of Cognition" and the Priority Research Program "Cognition" of the Faculty of Life Sciences, University of Vienna
2005-2008 Co-ordinator of the 3-yrs EU-project EDICI (FP6; 12129) "Evolution, development and intentional control of imitation"
2008-2012 Vice president, Austrian representative and member of the Steering Committee of the ESF Network Program "Comparative Cognition"
2010-2011 Head of the Department of Cognitive Biology, Faculty of Life Sciences, University of Vienna
 from 9/2011 Full Professor at the Messerli Institute Vienna
 Prof. Huber's research is devoted to the study of cognition in a comparative, biological framework. With its roots in ethology, and a strong combination of field and laboratory experimentation, he is applying the comparative method to a wide variety of organisms (from reptiles, amphibians, fish, birds to mammals). Despite long-lasting interests in physical/technical cognition, perceptual cognition, and the evolution of cognition, his current research focus is social cognition, with special emphasis on the mechanisms underlying learning through conspecific observation. Applied work focuses on human-animal interactions and ethical issues.


American Psychological Association (USA)
Psychonomic Society (USA)
Comparative Cognition Group (USA)
Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour (UK)
Ethologische Gesellschaft (D)
Austrian Society of Cognition Research (A)
Comparative Cognition Network (ESF)


Auersperg, A. M. I., von Bayern, A. M. P., Gajdon, G. K., Huber, L., & Kacelnik, A. (2011). Flexibility in problem solving and tool use of kea and New Caledonian crows in a Multi Access Box paradigm. PLoS ONE 6(6): e20231
Auersperg, A. M. I., Gajdon, G. K., & Huber, L. (2011). Directive application of a stick tool in a non tool using parrot species, the kea (Nestor notabilis). Biol. Lett. (published online 2 June 2011)
Range F, Huber L, & Heyes CM (2011) Automatic imitation in dogs. Proc Roy Soc B 278:211-217
Wilkinson A, Sebanz N, Mandl I, & Huber L (in press) Contagious yawning in the red-footed tortoise (Geochelone carbonaria)? A test of the empathy modeling hypothesis. Curr Zool
Mueller C, Dörrenberg S, Mayer C, Huber L, & Range F (in press) Size matters only for female, but not for male dogs. Biol Lett