1966-1970 | Read psychology and media studies at the University of Mainz |
1970 | Final Diplom examination and graduation in psychology |
1970-1972 | Scholarship holder of the Rhineland-Palatinate Foundation for Highly-Gifted Students |
| Lecturer at the TH Darmstadt and teacher at the grammar school in Jugendheim, Bergstraße |
1972 | Gained her doctorate with the degree of Dr. rer. nat. |
1972-1977 | Research assistant at the Psychology Institute of the University of Heidelberg |
1972 | Research stays at Ann Arbor and Berkeley |
1977-1979 | DFG Research Grant |
1979-1986 | Lecturer at the Psychology Institute of the University of Heidelberg and project director for the DFG research unit "Speaking and Language Understanding" |
1983-1985 | DFG "Habilitation" Scholarship Holder |
1986 | "Habilitation" in psychology at the University of Heidelberg |
1985-1987 | Member of the study group on "Historical Change in Social Psychology" of the Werner Reimers Foundation |
1986-1992 | Senior contract lecturer at the University of Heidelberg |
| Project director and coordinator in the Heidelberg/Mannheim Collaborative Research Centre SFB 245 "Language and Situation" |
1987-1989 | Member of the Senate Committee on Women's Affairs at the University of Heidelberg |
1987-1993 | Chairwoman of the Association of Women Academics and Scientists in Baden-Württemberg |
1988-1994 | Reviewer for the Baden-Württemberg Länder Government Programme to Support Women |
1992 | University Professor (C4) at the University of the Saarland |
1994-1997 | Vice-President responsible for Teaching and Studies at the University of the Saarland |
1995 | /1996 Member of the Committee of Experts on "Research and Technology" in the Saarland |
1994-1998 | Member of the Executive Board of the German Psychology Society |
1996-1998 | Member of the Higher Education Structure Committee of Baden-Württemberg |
1999-2000 | Member of the Evaluation Committee on Psychology at the Northern Network Universities (Bremen, Greifswald, Hamburg, Kiel, Oldenburg) |
since 1996 | Liaison lecturer and since 1997 member of the Selection Committee for the German National Study Foundation (Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes) |
1999-2000 | Ombudswoman at the University of the Saarland |
| Deputy Dean at the Faculty of Social and Applied Human Sciences |
| Member of the Advisory Board on Women's Affairs |
| Member of the Senate of the University of the Saarland |
2000-2006 | President of the University of the Saarland |
2001-2006 | HRK Vice-President for Research and Young Scientists |
since 2002 | Member of the University Council of the University of Konstanz |
since 2004 | Member of the Austrian Science Board (Österreichischer Wissenschaftsrat) |
since 2006 | President of the Hochschulrektorenkonferenz |
since 2007 | Member of the Council of the United Nations University |
since 2009 | Member of the Board of the European University Association (EUA) |
since 2012 | President of the German Academic Exchange Service |