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Maria FARRELL Writer and Keynote Speaker, London


1999-2000 MSC London School of Economics, London
2000-2001 Policy Advisor, Confederation of British Industry, London
2001-2002 Policy Executive, Law Society, London
2002-2004 Policy Manager, International Chamber of Commerce, Paris
2004-2006 MBA, Vlerick Leuven Gent Management School, Leuven
2005-2007 Policy Support Officer, ICANN - Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers, Brussels
2007-2010 Director of Information, ICANN - Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers, Los Angeles
2010-2011 Communications Consultant, World Bank, Washington DC
2011-2012 MSC Creative Writing, University of Edinburgh
2011-2018 Board Director, Open Rights Group, London
2014-2016 Senior Consultant, Interconnect, London
Councillor, Generic Names Supporting Organisation, ICANN - Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers, Civil Society, London
2014-2018 Instructor, Oxford University, Centre for Doctoral Training in Cyber Security, Oxford
since 2016 Writer on Technology, Politics and the Future for the Guardian, Medium, Slate and Irish Newspaper, London
Speaker at Royal Society, Royal Institute, Chatham House, European Data Protection Supervisor´s Annual 2018 Conference, London


Salzburg Global Seminar
Twenty First Century Trust Fellow
Open Rights Group


A New World Order; The Future of Democracy, Irish Independant, Dec 2018
Do Tech Slogans Really ‘Make the World a Better Place’? Medium, Dec 2018
How to Build A.I. We Can Relate to, Medium, June 2018
How to Cope with the End of the World - Five Part Series for Medium, January 2018


Graduated with Distinction, MSc Creative Writing, University of Edinburgh