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Dr. Marina GRZINIC Professor of Conceptual Art, Academy of Fine Arts Vienna


since 1993 Researcher, Institute of Philosophy, SASA - Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Ljubljana
1997-1998 Postdoctoral Academic Training, University of Tokyo, Tokyo
since 2003 Professor of Conceptual Art, Academy of Fine Arts, Vienna


ISEA - Inter-Society for the Electronic Arts, Member of the Editorial Board
Member of the Editorial Board, Identities, Skopje
Pavilion, Bucharest, Member of the Editorial Council, since 2006
Reartikulacija, Ljubljana, Editor, 2007-2012


Fiction reconstructed: Eastern Europe, post-socialism & the retro-avant-garde. Vienna, 2000
Situated contemporary art practices: art, theory and activism from (the east of) Europe. Ljubljana; Frankfurt am Main: Revolver - Archiv für aktuelle Kunst, 2004
Une fiction reconstruite: Europe de l'Est, post-socialisme et rétro-avant-garde (Ouverture philosophique). Paris; Budapest; Torino: Harmattan, 2005
Re-politicizing art, theory, representation and new media technology (Schriften der Akademie der bildenden Künste Vienna, Vol. 6). Vienna: Schlebrügge. Editor, cop. 2008


Golden SASA sign, 2007