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Dr. Marion POETZ Associate Professor, Department of Innovation and Organizational Economics, Copenhagen Business School, Frederiksberg


1990-1995 Student, Technical College for Mechanical Engineering and Business Management, Weiz
2003-2008 Research Assistant, WU Vienna, Institute for Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Austria
2004 Magister rer. soc. oec. (MBA equivalent) in International Business, WU Vienna, Austria
2006-2008 Visiting Scholar, MIT Sloan School of Management, Cambridge, USA
since 2006 Academic Advisor and Innovation Consultant to organizations from various industries including national and international firms and policy-making institutions
2008 Ph.D. in Social and Economic Sciences, WU Vienna, Austria
since 2008 Head of the Academic Advisory Board, winnovation consulting, Austria
2008-2013 Assistant Professor (tenure track), Copenhagen Business School, Department of Innovation and Organizational Economics, Denmark
2011 Visiting Scholar, Bocconi University, Italy
Visiting Professor, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
since 2014 Associate Professor (tenured), Copenhagen Business School, Department of Innovation and Organizational Economics, Denmarkssince 2014 Young Global Leader of the World Economic Forum
Academic Director, Lab for Open Innovation in Science (LOIS), Austria
Advisory Board Member, Danish Crowdsourcing Association, Denmark
since 2015 Member of the Foundation Council, Julius Raab Stiftung, Austria


AOM - Academy of Management
DRUID - Danish Research Unit for Industrial Dynamics
YGLs - Young Global Leaders of the World Economic Forum


Waldner, F., Poetz, M.K., Grimpe, C., and Eurich, M. (2015), Antecedents and Consequences of Business Model Innovation: The Role of Industry Structure, Advances in Strategic Management, 33, 347-386.
Poetz, M.K., and Prügl, R. (2014). Find the Right Expert for Any Problem. Harvard Business Review, December 16, online.
Franke, N., Poetz, M. K., and Schreier, M. (2014). Integrating problem solvers from analogous markets in new product ideation. Management Science, 60(4), 1063-1081.
Poetz, M.K., Franke, N., and Schreier, M. (2014). Sometimes the Best Ideas Come from Outside Your Industry. Harvard Business Review, November 21, online.


European Business School Best-Paper-Award  Innovation Management
Selection as a member of the 2014 Young Global Leaders (YGLs) of the World Economic Forum (WEF)
Thomas P. Hustad Best Paper Award of the Journal of Product Innovation Management
FUHU Research Prize: Prize from the Danish Society for the Advancement of Business Education (FUHU) for documented quality of research and demonstrated value from use in practice
Best Paper Award (16th International Product Development Management Conference, first Runner-up)
Rudolf Sallinger Award (grand prize for dissertation)
Best scientific paper award (1st rank), EDAMBA Research competition (7th International Conference of Doctoral Students EDAMBA)