Dipl.-Ing. Dr. techn. Martin SCHAGERL Professor and Head, Institute of Constructional Lightweight Design, Johannes Kepler University Linz
1995-2002 | University Assistant, TU Vienna, Austria |
2000-2001 | Max-Kade Fellow, University of Maryland, College Park, USA |
2002-2007 | Development Engineer, Airbus Germany GmbH, Hamburg |
2007-2009 | Head of Methods and Technologies, Domain Structure Analysis, Airbus Germany GmbH, Hamburg |
since 2009 | Head of Institute for Constructional Lightweight Design, JKU Linz, Austria |
since 2014 | Head of Christian Doppler Lab Structural Strength Control of Lightweight Constructions, JKU Linz, Austria |
since 2006 Chairman of the Industry Committee for Structure Analysis (IASB, issuer of the Handbook Structure Analysis HSB) |
W. Steiner and M. Schagerl. Raumflugmechanik, Dynamik und Steuerung von Raumfahrzeugen. Springer Heidelberg, 2004. | |
M. Schagerl. Analytical formulas for the effective width caused by bulging and flattening of curved aircraft panels. Proc. IMechE, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 225:2399-2412, 2011. | |
M. Schagerl, C. Viechtbauer and M. Schaberger. Optimal Placement of Fiber Optical Sensors along Zero-strain Trajectories to Detect Damages in Thin-walled Structures with Highest Sensitivity. In: Structural Health Monitoring 2015, 1:1096-1103, DEStech Publications Inc., 2015. | |
A. Adumitroaie, M. Schagerl and E.J. Barbero. Matrix Cracking in Non-Symmetric Laminates under Combined Membrane and Flexural Loading. International Journal of Materials, Mechanics and Manufacturing, 4(4):223-231, 2016. |