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Dr. Mathias JOPP Director, Institute for European Politics, Berlin; Honorary Professor, University of Tübingen


 Diploma in Economics and Ph.D. in Political Science
1977-1990 Research Fellow, Peace Research Institute Frankfurt
1991 Senior Researcher at the International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS), London
1992-1995 Head of the Central East and East European Programme at the WEU-Institute for Security Studies (Paris)
since 1995 Director of the Institut für Europäische Politik, Bonn/Berlin
since 2007 Professor (ho.) at the University of Tübingen and Course Director "EU policies and international relations" at CIFE (Le Centre international de Formation européenne), Nice


Member of the Presidium of the Arbeitskreis Europäische Integration (German section of the European Community Studies Association (ESCA)
Member of the Advisory Board of the post-graduate programme "M.A. in European and International Studies" of the CIFE, Nice and Berlin
Member of the Presidium of the European Movement of Germany (EUD)


The Strategic Implications of European Integration, Brassey's, London 1994.
Together with U. Diedrichs: "Flexible modes of governance: making CFSP and ESDP work", in: The International Spectator, Vol. XXXVIII, No.3, July-September 2003, pp.15-30.
Together with P. Schlotter (Eds.): Kollektive Außenpolitik - Die Europäische Union als internationaler Akteur, Nomos, Baden-Baden, 2007.
Together with U. Diedrichs: "Learning from Failure - the evolution of the EU's foreign, security and defence policy in the course of the Yugoslav crisis", in: Ludger Künhardt (ed.), European crises 1945-2005. Challenge and response in European integration, University Press, Oxford, published by Autumn 2008.


Officer's Cross of the Republic of Hungary, 2006
Honorary Professor at the University of Tübingen, since 2007