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Mats STAUB Artist, Zurich


2001 Degree in theatre science, journalism, religious science, University of Bern/ University of Fribourg
2001-2004 Assistant stage-manager and assistant dramaturge, then dramaturge, Theater Neumarkt, Zurich
since 2004 Developing art projects in the in the intersection between theater and exhibtion, science and literature
 Current works:
since 2012 21 - Erinnerungen ans Erwachsenwerden / 21 - Memories of Growing Up
since 2013 Zehn wichtigste Ereignisse meines Lebens / Ten Important Events In My Life
since 2015 Mein anderes Leben / My other Life


Staub, M.: Meine Grosseltern / My Grandparents. Edition Patrick Frey, Zurich 2010
Staub, M.: Zehn wichtigste Ereignisse meines Lebens. Salis, Zurich 2014