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Dr. Matti HEIKKILÄ Deputy Director General, STAKES, National Research and Development Centre for Welfare and Health, Helsinki


1971 Planning Secretary, National Board of Health
since 1972 lectures and presentations at foreign seminars, conferences and universities
1972-83 Senior Inspector, National Board of Welfare
1980-83 Chairman of the State Committee for Gipsy Issues
1983-84 Head of Welfare Department, Vantaa City Welfare Office
1984-85 Head of Information, National Board of Welfare
1985-86 Senior Adviser, Ministry of Health and Welfare
1986-92 Senior Researcher, National Board of Welfare and Health
1991-93 Co-ordinator of Research Program on Disadvantage and Deprivation by the Academy of Finland
1992-97 Research Director, Head of Social Research Unit, National Research and Development Centre for Welfare and Health
since 1993 Docent of Social Policy at the University of Lapland
1993 FINNIDA Consultative Expert in Welfare Issues in Zambia (MCDSS)
1994 Expert invited by Comparative Research Programme on Poverty (CROP), International Social Science Council, for State-of-the-Art Review of Poverty Research in Nordic Countries
-96 Co-ordinator of the Research Program on the Economics of Welfare by the Academy of Finland
Member of a joint sociological research team of Moscow State Social University and STAKES, Finland
since 1995 Docent of Social Policy at the University of Turku
1995 Member of the High Level Group on Social Exclusion set up by the EU Commission/DG V
since 1995 Country co-ordinator and editor in a Nordic comparative research project on the Nordic Welfare States in the 1990s (publishing in 1999 and 2000)
1996 United Nations Preventive Deployment Force Macedonia; Member of the Intersectoral Mission Expert Group, May 27 - June 6, 1996, Skopje, Macedonia
1997-98 Detached National Expert in the European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions, Dublin, Ireland
1998 Social Policy Analyst, Albanian Social Development Assessment Mission
European Parliament Public Hearing on Tackling Social Exclusion, June 31, Brussels, invited speaker
1998-2001 Research Professor at STAKES
2000-01 Head of Research Group on Welfare Policies and Social Problems, STAKES
-01 Council of Europe, Reporter of a project on poverty and anti-poverty policies in Finland, Belgium, Ireland, France, Malta, Latvia, Bulgaria and Czech Republic
Leader of a seven country research consortium on the role of social assistance as means of integration and inclusion contracted by the European Commission
since 2001 Deputy Director General of STAKES
2002-03 The National Social Sector Development Project, Rapporteur ad int (Ministry of Social Affairs and Health)


since 1979 Social Policy Association
since 1991 International Sociological Association, Committee on Poverty, Social Welfare and Social Policy
since 1993 Comparative Research Programme on Poverty (CROP), International Social Science Council, network of researchers
since 2001 Finnish Association of Science Editors and Journalists


Using social benefits to combat poverty and social exclusion: opportunities and problems European synthesis report (with S. Kuivalainen), in: Trends in Social Cohesion, No. 3, Coucil of Europe. Strasbourg 2002
Social Assistance in Europe. A comparative study on minimum income in seven European countries (ed. with E. Keskitalo). Stakes and European Commission. 2001
Nordic Social Policy. Changing Welfare States (ed. with M. Kautto, B. Hvinden, S. Marklund and N. Ploug). London and New York 1999
The Nordic Countries: Poverty in a Welfare State (with B. Halleröd, M. Mäntysaari, V.-M. Ritakallio and Ch. Nyman), in: Oyen, E. & Miller, S.M. (eds.) Poverty: A Global Review. Handbook on International Poverty Research. Scandinavian University Press, Oslo-Stockholm-Copenhagen-Boston, 1996. pp. 325-353