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Dr. Max CZOLLEK Writer, Berlin


 Max Czollek lives in Berlin, where he was born in 1987. 2012 he gained his diploma in political science at TU Berlin. 2016 he was awarded a doctorate at the Center for Research on Antisemitism at Technische Universität Berlin. Since 2009 he is member of the poetry collective G13, which published books and organized lectures. 2013-2018 he was curator of the international project Babelsprech.International for the connection of the young German speaking and European lyric scene. Together with Sasha Marianna Salzmann he was initiator of Desintegration. Ein Kongress zeitgenössischer jüdischer Positionen (2016) and Radikale Jüdische Kulturtage (2017) at Maxim Gorki Theater Berlin, Studio Я. His lyric books „"Druckkammern" (2012) and "Jubeljahre" (2015) were published at Verlagshaus Berlin. 2018 his non-fiction book "Desintegriert Euch!" was published at Carl Hanser. His next lyric book is planned for autumn 2019.