Dr. Maximilian BURGER-SCHEIDLIN Geschäftsführer, ICC Austria - Internationale Handelskammer, Wien
Max focusses on global competitive challenges to business, international business contracts and outsourcing, root causes of global crime, prevention of money laundering, counterfeiting, corruption, import-export fraud, prevention of commercial disputes, lobbying for structural and administrative reforms to enhance global competitiveness. | |
Before 1993 Max has been Austrian Trade Commisioner to Japan. | |
1986-1990 | International Investment Expert, UNIDO, Advisor to the Ministers of Trade & Industry in the Philippines and the Maldives |
1976-1986 | Deputy Austrian Trade Commissioner in Japan, Korea, Australia, Sudan, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Malaysia |
Member ICC and BIAC Commissions on Anti-Corruption, Paris | |
Member, World Council, International Chamber of Commerce, Paris | |
Principal Austrian partner for ICC-Commercial Crime Services, London | |
Lecturer, Donau Universität Krems- "Prevention of Commercial Crime" |
Co-author of the following books: | |
Fighting Corruption - a Corporate Practices Manual, ICC-Publishing, 2003 | |
Sicherheitsmanagement und das Eisbergprinzip, 2004 | |
echt_falsch - Will die Welt betrogen sein? - Produktpiraterie, 2003 | |
Politik, Ethik, Korruption (Bekämpfung), 2006 |
Schrödinger Stipendium des FWF, 1997 |