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Ph.D. Melita KOVACEVIC Chair, Steering Committee, Council for Doctoral Education, EUA - European University Association; Vice Rector for Research and Technology, University of Zagreb


1984-1986 Teaching Assistant, Eastern Washington University
1986-1987 Psychologist, Perinatal Medicine, General hospital Holy Spirit (Sveti Duh)
1987-1989 Child's psychologist, Children's Center 'Little Prince'
1988-1991 Lecturer in developmental psychology, University of Zagreb
since 1989 Research and teaching position at the University of Zagreb, Department for Speech and Language Pathology (2001, Associate Professor, 2007, Full Professor)
since 2006 Vice-Rector for Research and Technology, University of Zagreb


Croatian Philological Society
IASCL (International Association for Study of Child Language)
American Psychological Association
American Speech and Hearing Association


Fayl G., Bogle D., Kovacevic M., Fayle V., Hentaller U. (eds.): PhD Training In central- and South-East Europe. Leave to explore - Return to Lead. The Global Round Table main Event 2012, November 15th-16th 2012, Budapest; Montenegrin Academy of Sciences and Arts, Montenegro, 2012
Kovacevic M., Novak S., Baric A. (eds.): Toward education-research-education triangle: Where are we starting from? University of Zagreb, 2010
Language Awareness in First Language Acquisition, In: Cenoz J., Hornberger, N. (ur.) Encyclopedia of Language and Education. New York: Springer, 2008, 105-118