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Merlin DONALD Professor, Department of Psychology, Queens University, Kingston, Canada


1968 Ph.D. McGill University, Montreal, Canada
1968-1970 Post-Doctoral Fellow, Yale University, New Haven, Conn.
1970-1972 Assistant Professor, Department of Neurology, School of Medicine, Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut (Cross Appointment)
1972-1973 Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, Queen's University
1974-1982 Associate Professor, Department of Psychology, Queen's University
1980-1990 Assistant Professor, Department of Psychiatry, Queen's University (Research Cross Appointment)
since 1982 Professor, Department of Psychology, Queen's University
since 1995 Professor, Faculty of Education, Queen s University (Cross-Appointment)


Member Canadian Society for Brain, Behaviour and Cognitive Science
Member Cognitive Neuroscience Society
Member Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness
Member Cognitive Science Society
Member Language Origins Society


1991 Origins of the Modern Mind: Three Stages in the Evolution of Culture and Cognition. Cambridge, Mass: Harvard University Press, 413pp
2001 A Mind So Rare: The evolution of human consciousness. New York: W. W. Norton, 365 pages
1998 Hominid enculturation and cognitive evolution. In C. Renfrew and C. Scarre, eds, Cognition and Culture: the Archaeology of Symbolic Storage. University of Cambridge, U.K., Monographs of The McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research, 7-17
1999 Preconditions for the evolution of protolanguages. In M. C. Corballis and I. Lea, eds, The Descent of Mind, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 120-136


Fellow, Canadian Psychological Association
Killlam Research Fellow
Fellow Royal Society of Canada
Visiting Fellow, Center for Advanced Studies, Stanford University