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Priv.-Doz. DI Dr. Michael AFFENZELLER Professor for Heuristic Optimization and Machine Learning; Vice Dean for R&D, University of Applied Science Upper Austria, Hagenberg


1998-1999 Designing engineer, Department for Automation, Voest Alpine Industrieanlagenbau, Linz
1999-2005 University Assistant/Associate Professor, Department of Systems Theory, University of Linz
2008-2013 Head of Josef Ressel Center for Heuristic Optimization (Heureka!)
2014-2018 Head of COMET K-project for Heuristic Optimization in Production and Logistics (HOPL)
since 2005 Professor, University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria, Hagenberg
since 2006 Head of Research Group, "Heuristic and Evolutionary Algorithms Laboratory (HEAL)"
since 2014 Head of Master degree program Software Engineering, University of Applied Science Upper Austria, Hagenberg
Vice-dean for R&D, University of Applied Science Upper Austria, Hagenberg


M. Affenzeller et al.: "Gaining Deeper Insights in Symbolic Regression", 2014
M Affenzeller, S Wagner, S Winkler, A Beham: "Genetic Algorithms and Genetic Programming: Modern Concepts and Practical Applications" Chapman and Hall/CRC, 379 pages, 2009
Wagner S., Affenzeller M. In: Ribeiro B., Albrecht R.F., Dobnikar A., Pearson D.W., Steele N.C. (eds): "HeuristicLab: A Generic and Extensible Optimization Environment", 2005