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Michael DOCZY Head, Office of the Deputy Secretary General for Political Affairs, EEAS - European External Action Service, Brussels


2002-2003 Assistant to the European Correspondent and to the Political Director, Austrian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Vienna
2004-2007 Deputy Representative of Austria, Political and Security Committee; Representative, Politico-Military Group (and chair of this group in 2006), Brussels
2007-2010 Senior Adviser to the Director of the Policy Unit of the High Representative, General Secretariat of the Council, Brussels
2010 Member, Establishment Team of the EEAS
since 2011 Head, Office of the Deputy Secretary General for Political Affairs, EEAS, Brussels


Die Fähigkeit der EU, in Feichtinger W., Gebhard C., (Hrsg.): Globale Sicherheit - EUropäische Potenziale, Wien, Böhlau, 2010