Dr. Michael KOPP Head, Academy of New Media and Knowledge Transfer, University of Graz
1995 | Doctorate in Philosophy, Linguistic Studies, University of Graz |
1995-1998 | PR-Manager at the state-run employment bureau in Upper Austria (AMS OÖ) and at the software company Axioma, Linz |
since 1999 | Managing Director and owner of the media agency "Werbeguru", Graz |
2000-2010 | Projekt Manager of several e-learning projects at several Austrian universities |
2003-2012 | Managing Director of the "MediaCluster GmbH" |
since 2005 | Editor in Chief of the monthly municipal magazine "Die Gemeinde", Graz |
since 2010 | Head of the Academy of New Media and Knowledge Transfer, University of Graz |
General Secretary of the association "Forum neue Medien in der Lehre Austria" |
Kopp M., Ebner M., Dorfer-Novak A.: Introducing MOOCs to Middle European Universities - is it worth it to accept the challenge? International Journal for Innovation and Quality in Learning, 2014 | |
Lackner E., Kopp M.: Do MOOCs need a Special Instructional Design? Conference Paper at EduLearn, 2014 | |
Lackner E., Kopp M., Ebner M.: How to MOOC? A pedagogical guideline for practitioners. Proceedings of the 10th International Scientific Conference "eLearning and Software for Education", 2014 | |
Kopp M. et al.: Technologie in der Hochschullehre. Rahmenbedingungen, Strukturen und Modelle, In: Ebner M., Schön S.: Lehrbuch für Lernen und Lehren mit Technologien, 2013 |