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Dr. Michael KOPP Head, Academy of New Media and Knowledge Transfer, University of Graz


1995 Doctorate in Philosophy, Linguistic Studies, University of Graz
1995-1998 PR-Manager at the state-run employment bureau in Upper Austria (AMS OÖ) and at the software company Axioma, Linz
since 1999 Managing Director and owner of the media agency "Werbeguru", Graz
2000-2010 Projekt Manager of several e-learning projects at several Austrian universities
2003-2012 Managing Director of the "MediaCluster GmbH"
since 2005 Editor in Chief of the monthly municipal magazine "Die Gemeinde", Graz
since 2010 Head of the Academy of New Media and Knowledge Transfer, University of Graz
General Secretary of the association "Forum neue Medien in der Lehre Austria"


Kopp M., Ebner M., Dorfer-Novak A.: Introducing MOOCs to Middle European Universities - is it worth it to accept the challenge? International Journal for Innovation and Quality in Learning, 2014
Lackner E., Kopp M.: Do MOOCs need a Special Instructional Design? Conference Paper at EduLearn, 2014
Lackner E., Kopp M., Ebner M.: How to MOOC? A pedagogical guideline for practitioners. Proceedings of the 10th International Scientific Conference "eLearning and Software for Education", 2014
Kopp M. et al.: Technologie in der Hochschullehre. Rahmenbedingungen, Strukturen und Modelle, In: Ebner M., Schön S.: Lehrbuch für Lernen und Lehren mit Technologien, 2013