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Dipl.-Wirtsch. Ing. Michael ROTERT Chairman of the Board, eco - Association of the German Internet Industry e.V., Cologne


1978 Diploma in Economic Sciences (Operation Research/ Informatics)
1979-1983 Member of scientific staff, Department of Prof. Dr. G. Krueger, Institute for Telematics
1983-1987 Member of faculty staff, central computing services, computing centre
1993-1997 Technical director of Computing Centre, Computer Science Dept. Karlsruhe University
1993-1999 General Managing Director and Founder, Xlink, NTG, Internet Access Provider
1999-2000 Senior Vice President for Research and Development, regulation and international customers (B2B only), KPNQwest B.V., Amsterdam
2000-2002 General Managing Director, VIA NET.WORKS Deutschland GmbH, Internet Access and managed software services (B2B only)
2003-2004 Chief Executive Officer, GTEN AG, Lawful Interception devices for Carriers
2005-2006 Founding Brightman parsons GmbH, Consulting and projects in the area of internet interception, data reconstruction and security
since 2006 Chief Executive Officer and Founder, maxspot GmbH- Free WLAN Services
since 2013 Political Intelligence, External Senior Consultant, London, Brussels, Madrid, Lisbon, Rome


GI - Gesellschaft für Informatik
Diplomatic Council
Deutschland sicher im Netz (Beirat)
IPV6 Rat, Deutschland


IN: "Die Zukunft der Medien in Europa 2030", Nadja Hirsch
IN: "Einfach Anders Arbeiten", Detev Artelt
IN: "Transformation der Bank-IT: Schlaglichter auf innovative Aspekte", Ibrahim Karasu und Waldemar Grudzien (Hrsg.)


Hall of Fame, Computerwoche
1. E-Mail Deutschland, Campus Party Europe