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MA Michael SCHMUNK Former Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany to Bosnia, Kosovo, Azerbaijan and Envoy for Afghanistan; Deputy Permanent Representative of Germany to the OSCE - Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe, Vienna


1971-1972 General Military Service (18 months), Koblenz/Daaden
1972-1976 University Degrees in Law and Political Science
1976-1977 Teaching and Research Fellow, Political Science Department, University of Bonn
1977-1983 Advisor for Foreign and Security Policy, German Parliament, Bonn
1983-1985 Desk Officer, NATO/WEU, German Foreign Office, Bonn
1985 Desk Officer, Conventional Disarmament (MBFR/Stockholm Process), German Foreign Office, Bonn
1985-1987 Press and Political Officer, German Embassy, Washington, D.C., USA
1987-1990 Desk Officer, North-South Dialogue/UNCTAD/G 77/OECD, Bonn
1991-1994 Press spokesman and desk officer at the Political Department, German Embassy, Pretoria/Capetown, South Africa
1994-1997 Ambassador to Azerbaijan, Baku
1997-2000 Deputy Director, USA, Canada, Transatlantic Relations and G 8 Department, German Foreign Office, Bonn/Berlin
1999 Head of the G 8 Foreign Ministers' Team (German G 8 Presidency, 1999), German Foreign Office, Bonn
2000-2002 Head (Ambassador rank), German Liaison Office, Prishtina, Kosovo
2002-2004 Ambassador at Large; Special Representative and Head of the Special Task Force for Afghanistan, German Foreign Office, Berlin
2004-2005 Visiting Diplomat in Residence at the German Institute for International and Security Affairs (SWP), Berlin (Peace-, Nation- und State-Building Concepts and Instruments)
2005-2006 Senior Fellow at the Weatherhead Center for International Affairs/John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, Cambridge, USA (Peace-, state- and nation-building research and teaching)
2006-2008 Ambassador to Bosnia and Herzegovina; Permanent Member of the Peace Implementation Council Steering (PIC) Board Ambassadors; Sarajevo
2008 Decoration with the Golden Cross of Honor of the German Armed Forces
2008-2010 Ambassador; German Foreign Office's Special Representative and Ambassador at Large for Foreign and Security Policy Related Cooperation with Universities, Foundations and Think Tanks, Berlin
since 2010 Minister and Deputy Chief of Mission; Permanent Mission of the Federal Republic of Germany to the OSCE, Vienna


Publications and research regarding peace-, state- and nation-building; weak, failing and failed states; the phases of the so-called "conflict cycle" ; genocide and reconciliation; so-called "protracted" territorial conflicts in the OSCE area; civil-military cooperation in post-conflict situations; PRTs; Germany's civil and military role in multilateral stabilization and reconstruction operations abroad; Western Balkans (Bosnia-Herzegovina; Kosovo); Afghanistan; South Caucasus; South Africa; principal questions related to the European security architecture, in particular of a "Security Community" in the OSCE area.