Mag. Dr. MBA Michael STRUGL Vice Chairman of the Board, VERBUND AG, Vienna
1982-1991 | Diploma course in Law, Johannes Kepler University, Linz |
1998-1999 | LIMAK General Management Program, Linz, Emory University, Atlanta |
2000-2001 | Degree in "International Finance", University of Toronto |
2005-2013 | Doctorate, Social and Business Sciences, Johannes Kepler University, Linz |
2018 | Stanford University Graduate School of Business, Stanford Executive Program, Stanford, CA |
1987-1995 | Press officer, ÖVP - Austrian People's Party, Provincial Party Leadership for Upper Austria |
1995-2001 | Vice-Provincial Party Leader, ÖVP - Austrian People's Party, Provincial Party Leadership for Upper Austria |
1998 | Creative Director, Zoffel-Hoff & Partner, Wiesbaden |
1997-2001 | Member, Federal Council; Chairman, Foreign Affairs Committee, Vienna |
2003-2009 | Chairman, ÖVP - Austrian People's Party Club, Provincial Parliament, Linz |
2001-2013 | Member, parliament in the Provincial Parliament of Upper Austria, Linz |
Provincial Party Leader, ÖVP - Austrian People's Party, Provincial Party Leadership for Upper Austria, Linz | |
2013-2018 | Member, Upper Austrian Provincial Government, Spokesman for Economics, Labor, Research, Science, Energy, Tourism, Regional Planning, Provincial Holding, Europe and Sport, Linz |
since 2019 | Vice Chairman of the Board, VERBUND AG, Vienna |
Gemeinderat in Lichtenberg, seit 2009 | |
Mitglied des Aufsichtsrates, Energie AG Oberösterreich, seit 2009 | |
Obmann ACADEMIA SUPERIOR, seit 2010 |
Friedrich Schneider & Reinhard Neck & Michael Strugl: "How much does the State of the Economic Influence the Popularity of Upper Austrian Parties? An Empirical Investigation", 2017 | |
"Gesellschaft im Umbruch - Chancen und Herausforderungen zwischen Wandel und Kontinuität", 2012 |