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Dr. Michael VON BRÜCK Professor of Religion, Faculty of Protestant Theology, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich


1975 Dr. theol. at the University of Rostock in Systematic Theology, Topic: Possibilities and Limits of a Theology of Religions (Karl Barth und Rudolf Otto)
  Research Paper in Philosophy of Religion: "New Tendencies in the Philosophy of Religion of USSR"
1980-1982 Habilitation: Advaita and Trinity. Indian and Christian Experience of God in Dialogue of Religions
1981-1985 Visiting Professor at Gurukul Lutheran Theological College, Madras
  Research Fellow at Dept. of Philosophy of the University of Madras Organizer and Director of a Program for Interreligious Studies and Dialogue
1983-1985 Study of Philosophy of Mahayana-Buddhism at Gaden Mahayana Monastic University (Karnataka) and in Dharamsala, India Study of Tibetan Buddhism in Ladakh, Zanskar and Sikkim
1988-1991 Professor of Comparative Religion, Philosophical Faculty, University of Regensburg
1990-1998 General Editor of the Journal Dialog der Religionen, (Chr. Kaiser/Gütersloher Verlagshaus), Gütersloh
since 1991 Chair of the Interdisciplinary Religious Studies Program at Ludwig Maximilians University Munich


Member of the Centre for Buddhist Studies at the University of Munich
Member of the scientific advisory board Verlag der Weltreligionen / Suhrkamp Verlag
Chairman of Meditation und Wissenschaft
Member of the Graduate Studies Program: "The Notion of Experience in the History of European Religions and the Theory of Religions and its Influence on the Self-Understanding of Non-European Cultures"


Einführung in den Buddhismus, Frankfurt/a.M.: Verlag der Weltreligionen 2007
Bhagavad Gita. Der Gesang des Erhabenen, Frankfurt/a.M.: Verlag der Weltreligionen 2007
Leben in der Kraft der Rituale, with Regina von Brück, München. C. H. Beck 2011
Grundzüge einer modernen Anthropologie, with Günter Rager, Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht 2012