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Ph.D. Michal Wiktor KRAWCZYK Assistant Professor, Faculty of Economic Sciences, University of Warsaw


2005-2009 Ph.D Candidate, Center for Research in Experimental Economics and Political Decision-Making, University of Amsterdam, and the Tinbergen Institute, Amsterdam
since 2009 Assistant Professor, Faculty of Economic Sciences, University of Warsaw, Warsaw


Economic Science Association
European Economic Association


Author's gender affects rating of academic articles. Evidence from an incentivized, deception-free laboratory experiment. (with Magdalena Smyk) European Economic Review, 2016
Pirates in the lab. Using incentivized choice experiments to explore preference for (un)authorized content. (with Piotr wiakowski and Marek Giergiczny) MIS Quarterly, 2015
Dictating the risk: Comment." (with Fabrice Le Lec). American Economic Review, 2014
Glimpse through the veil of ignorance: Inequality of opportunity and support for redistribution, Journal of Public Economics, 94(1-2), 131-141, 2009


Scholarship of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education for outstanding young researchers, 2011-14, 2015-17.
Scientific Achievements Award of the Rector Magnificus of the University of Warsaw 2010-2012, 15
Cum laude MA degree, Institute of Sociology, 2004
Award for the best MA thesis at the Fac. of Econ. Sc., Warsaw, 2003