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Ing. PhD. Miroslav SINGER Governor, Czech National Bank, Prague


1991 Graduation, Mathematical Methods in Economics, University of Economics, Prague
1995 PhD, University of Pittsburgh
since 1993 Researcher, Lecturer and later as Deputy Director for Research, Economics Institute of the Academy of Sciences, Centre for Economic Research
  Graduate Education at Charles University, Czech Republic
1995 Chief Economist, Expandia Finance
1998-1999 Managing Director, Expandia Investment Company
2000-2001 Managing Director, Expandia Holding
2001-2005 Director, Service to Businesses Group, PricewaterhouseCoopers, Czech Republic
2005-2010 Member and Vice-Governor, CNB Bank Board
since 2010 Governor, CNB


Governor, CNB Bank Board, since 2010
Chairman, CERGE-EI Foundation
Member of the Supervisory Boards/Boards of Directors at:
Expandia Finance, Expandia Banka, Expandia Holding, Chemofond, Jitona, Vigona and Vlnap


He has published articles in the daily and professional press, including the Review of Economics and Statistics, Economics of Transition and the Journal of Comparative Economics, and has contributed chapters to books issued by publishers such as Academic Press London and the Lappeenranta University of Technology.